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  • Writer's pictureDayah

How-To Pose For Photo, Professionally

You dressed to kill, have perfect smile, charming enough to melt thousands of ladies and all, and yet when your friends hit the camera button, the outcome of your image somehow portrayed you to be in constipated, awkward and pouting the famously duck face.

Your photo should be able to help you turn into the man you want to be. After all, first impression does matter and still play major part in attracting attention. So, to not let you blush over it, here are some of the tips.

Rest & Relax

It is as simple as that. But, not many really do the effort. Whenever you know that there will be cameras and such on the next day, avoid eating too much and get a good night sleep. You want to look fresh, not zombie-like. Then, just relax and be in the moments.

Fresh Looks

There are four main elements to consider whenever you are about to be pictured. Fresh hairstyle, clean shave and nice comfortable clothes contributes to you looking presentable, in real life or in picture. Does not matter which style you choose, all these must be thought and prepared for prior any photo opportunity.

Do Not Go Overboard

Just keep it simple, and again, comfortable. People can always tell whenever the wearer is not comfortable in his own garments. You do not have to be weird-looking and attracting different kind of attention. And again, relax.

Find Your Best Side

Your purpose of taking photo is not for filling in a form. A study in 2012 found that the left side of a man is more favoured and more aesthetically-pleasing by the respondents of the study. So, find your own best side. Physically, humans are not created equal. Go trial and error.

Strut A Face To Show

Push your chin out and lower it a little down. It gives the jaw a more angular shape. Never pull it back as this will gives double chin effect. Do not face the camera squarely as this could make your face look wide, but instead, turn a little bit. Constant practice in front of the mirror will help you on this.

Maintain Good Posture

Keep your chest broad, straighten your shoulder and back. Do not slouch. Create a different dynamic composition to the whole picture, such as hand in your hair, in the pocket or on the wall. Do not rigidly pose, such as standing straight with both hands straight at each side.

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